Хотелось бы по возможности иметь под руками индикатор WATR
======================================================= Трендовый индикатор прорыва динамического ценового канала на основе WATR в формате Omega TradeStation.
{Volatility Trend Indicator based on Smoothed True Range
and dynamic period of trend calculation. Copyright (c) konkop 2001}
Len(21), {WATR Lenght}
M(3), {WATR Multiplier}
Max_per(50); {Max. Dynamic Period for Trend Calculation}
Vars: TrueHi(H), TrueLo(L), TrueRng(0), WATR(0), Trend(C), Period(0) ;
{Calculate Smoothed TR}
If Close[1] > High Then TrueHi = Close[1] Else TrueHi = High;
{Calculate TrueHigh}
If Close[1] < Low Then TrueLo = Close[1] Else TrueLo = Low;
{Calculate TrueLow}
TrueRng = TrueHi — TrueLo; {Calculate TrueRange}
WATR = WAverage(TrueRng,Len); {Calculate WATR}
{Trend Calculation}
Condition1= C > Trend[1]; {UpTrend}
Condition2= C <= Trend[1]; { DownTrend}
{SetUp Period When New Trend Begin}
If C Cross over Trend[1] or C Cross Below Trend[1] Then Period = 0;
If Period < Max_per Then Begin {Counting UpTrends with dynamic period}
If Condition1 Then Begin
Period = Period +1;
Trend = Highest(C,Period) — M∗WATR;
End ; {Counting DownTrends with dynamic period}
If Condition2 Then Begin
Period = Period + 1;
Trend = Lowest(C,Period) + M∗WATR;
End Else Begin {Counting UpTrends with constant period}
If Condition1 Then Trend = Highest(C,Max_Per)[1] — M∗WATR;
{Counting DownTrends with constant period}
If Condition2 Then Trend = Lowest(C,Max_per)[1] + M∗WATR;
End; {Plotting Indicator}
Тоже самое под MetaTrader
//| WATR.mq4
//| Written WizardSerg under article konkop in "Modern trading" #4/2001
//| http://www.wizardserg.inweb.ru
//| wizardserg@gmail.com
#property copyright "Written WizardSerg under article konkop in #4/2001"
#property link "http://www.wizardserg.inweb.ru"
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_color1 Coral
#property indicator_color2 DodgerBlue
//---- input parameters
extern int WATR_K = 10;
extern double WATR_M = 4.0;
extern int ATR = 21;
//---- buffers
double ExtMapBufferUp[];
double ExtMapBufferDown[];
//| Custom indicator initialization function |
int init()
SetIndexBuffer(0, ExtMapBufferUp);
ArraySetAsSeries(ExtMapBufferUp, true);
SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID, 2);
SetIndexBuffer(1, ExtMapBufferDown);
ArraySetAsSeries(ExtMapBufferDown, true);
SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID, 2);
IndicatorShortName("WATR(" + WATR_K + ", " + WATR_M + ")");
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function |
int deinit()
//| Custom indicator function |
bool AntiTrendBar(int i)
bool res = (TrendUp(i) && (Close[i] < Open[i])) ||
(!TrendUp(i) && (Close[i] > Open[i]));
//| Custom indicator function |
double CalcIndicValue(int i, bool trend)
double res = Close[i];
res -= (WATR_K*Point + WATR_M*iATR(NULL, 0, ATR, i));
res += (WATR_K*Point + WATR_M*iATR(NULL, 0, ATR, i));
//| Custom indicator function |
bool TrendUp(int i)
return((Close[i+1] > ExtMapBufferUp[i+1]) && (ExtMapBufferUp[i+1] != EMPTY_VALUE));
//| Custom indicator iteration function |
int start()
int limit;
int counted_bars = IndicatorCounted();
//---- последний посчитанный бар будет пересчитан
// if(counted_bars > 0) counted_bars--;
//---- первое значение индикатора == цене-1 point, т.е. считает тренд восходящим
ExtMapBufferUp[Bars] = Close[Bars] - WATR_K*Point;
// limit = (counted_bars > 0) ? (Bars - counted_bars) : (Bars - 1);
limit = Bars - counted_bars;
//if(limit == Bars) limit--;
//---- основной цикл
for(int i = limit; i >= 0; i--)
if( AntiTrendBar(i) )
ExtMapBufferUp[i] = ExtMapBufferUp[i+1];
ExtMapBufferDown[i] = ExtMapBufferDown[i+1];
ExtMapBufferUp[i] = CalcIndicValue(i, true);
if(ExtMapBufferUp[i] < ExtMapBufferUp[i+1])
ExtMapBufferUp[i] = ExtMapBufferUp[i+1];
ExtMapBufferDown[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
ExtMapBufferDown[i] = CalcIndicValue(i, false);
if(ExtMapBufferDown[i] > ExtMapBufferDown[i+1])
ExtMapBufferDown[i] = ExtMapBufferDown[i+1];
ExtMapBufferUp[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
// пересечения с ценой
if(TrendUp(i) && (Close[i] < ExtMapBufferUp[i]))
ExtMapBufferDown[i] = CalcIndicValue(i, false);
ExtMapBufferUp[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
if((!TrendUp(i)) && (Close[i] > ExtMapBufferDown[i]))
ExtMapBufferUp[i] = CalcIndicValue(i, true);
ExtMapBufferDown[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;